Aksara is Kata.ai's design system, ensuring product quality and consistency. It includes foundations, voice, and component standards.


The Aksara Design System accelerates product launches, reduces redundant work, ensures consistency, and saves on annual production costs.


Kata.ai has experienced a lot of growth. Our services have thrived into multiple sophisticated products. Along the way, we realized with more features and improvements we made, the inconsistencies in our UI became more apparent. The design process was inefficient, too. It was clear that we needed a proper system to help us maintain consistency and scale our design.

We decided to create our design language system—a single source of truth that our team can adhere to. Design language system helps us create harmony, not only for the design team but for everyone involved in the development of the product. Having a design language system also means focusing more on fine-tuning existing products and delivering delightful experiences to our users.

<aside> 💡 Aksara /ak·sa·ra/ noun is a visual symbol, usually stamped on paper or other media (stone, wood, leaf, and fabric), to express thoughts and ideas.


We chose the name Aksara because we want our design system to help developers, designers, and all other functions across the organization express their thoughts and ideas into tangible, consistent, and efficient digital products.

Aksara Design System · zeroheight

The Aksara Design Language as a foundation consists of a code repository, UI component, Writing Guidelines, and Human Interface Guidelines that systematically improve our product's quality, timeliness, and consistency.

My highlight role