
Date created: 2019

Kata.ai is an Indonesian conversational artificial intelligence company focused on understanding human conversation. They didn't have a visual character on iconography when I landed there. The challenge is how to create a recognition iconography pack for an Artificial Intelligence company.


Audit existing icon

The first step is to audit and collect existing icons. Then break down each icon to get a metaphor and find characters to create lasting impression symbols.

Drafting existing icons

Drafting existing icons

Sketching characters

Sketching characters

Create Principle

The Aksaracons principle refers to the Kata.ai logogram, which has three-point fundamentals on this shape. First, the logo has a rounded on each corner shape. Second, there is a law of closure, a gestalt principle. The law of closure states that individuals perceive objects as being whole when they are not complete. Third, the logogram is bold.


The icons use solid type to create strong imagery and refer to our brand's logogram.


The icons should use simple metaphors to make them easy to understand.


Use rounded on every corner and make the icon calm when seen.

Defining Fundamental

Base Grid

A base grid is defined to make icons consistent and pixel-perfect. Regular icons are designed on a 20px grid and exported at 24px artboards.

To make simple metaphors, the icons use basic foundational shapes. It's essential to use simple metaphors but has multi-interpretation allowing other designers to use the icons for different purposes.